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Monday, February 23, 2015

c'mon baby, give me bacon.

Gotta get the bread and milk. Gotta get the bread and milk!! They said snow! I GOTTA GET THE BREAD AND MILK!!
 (see bottom of post for reference)
Yeah, so it's cold and sleeting here. Little bouncy pellets of ice falling like rain, sounding so nice... making me all sleepy and stuff.
This photo was taken last night by my husband as he was standing outside under an umbrella looking in. I made him do it.
Ignore the mess around me.
No. Look at it! Take it all in!
The white stuff you see at the bottom is rain by the way. Not the result of a broken vacuum.
(The vacuum's not broken. I'm just to lazy to empty it.)
So, last night we all had dinner at a new friend's house. She's got this boho thing going on that's super groovy. She thrift shops for ethnic clothing and wears kurtis to church with chopsticks in her hair. We're probably the only two people in Texarkana who give a hoot about ethnic clothing and accessories. She's neato. You probably can't see that she's wearing a Native American choker and Peruvian earrings... with a Monopoly shirt. Cool.
Since I'm such I great guest, I made this cake for our dessert.
Lemme rephrase that.
I made it... the grocery store to buy it for us to have for dessert.

She has turtles!

 And I just had to share this. This is what Cedar wore to church yesterday morning. Being $8 at a consignment shop, I think this is the most "expensive" dress I've ever bought for her. I just HAD to get it, guys. Surely you see why.
So it's 29F and sleeting and the whole darn city has shut down. Even schools and colleges have cancelled classes. I'm serious. Why? Because our poor town just isn't equipped for winter weather. The ice just builds up on everything and turns the whole dang town into and giant jacked up ice rink. I can't even get down the three steps of my home without slipping and busting my buns.
The last time we had a storm like was in 1999 or 2000. We all thought, "Meh, ice. No biggie," but overnight the entire region iced over. It killed power in some towns for almost a week. It brought trees down onto houses and roads and caused mucho destruction. So yeah, everyone's still a little gun shy after that one.
You Northerners might call this daily life.
For us, it's the friggin' apocalypse.

Monday, February 16, 2015

best weekend like, evar.

  Nah, that's a lie. It was an ok weekend with some good highlights.
Friday, the husband picked up two pizzas so I wouldn't have to cook. Well, I mean, I asked him to pick up the pizzas...and he did it... and I didn't have to cook. Yeah, folks. That's a highlight.
Saturday, Valentines Day was just like any other day. Husband had to work and then the in-laws assuuuuuumed we didn't already have plans for Valentines Day evening and invited us for dinner...
Sigh. They were right. We didn't have plans because all our spare money was going towards this:
 We got together with some friends and pooled our money together for the "Sweetheart Special". The special was offered at a local crawfish shack for Valentines Day weekend and it included crawfish, shrimp, boudin, sausage, corn, potatoes and mushrooms. I'm not sure how many specials we got but it was about 14lbs of crawfish, 4lbs of enormous shrimps and all that other good stuff.
I ate my weight in goodies. I could have gone all nigh devouring those little red bugs but we ran out. Sad face!
Daddy caught off guard.
 The hostess of the gathering was nice enough to make River a nice plate of yummies since most of the food was way too spicy for little mouths.
Since I didn't wear anything you guys haven't seen before, I didn't bother getting outfit pics... so here's what Cedar wore instead. Sunday morning for church, she wore this vintage hand-sewn cotton dress for the first time. I bought it from Goodwill for $2 and it was supposed to be her first faire costume but she's growing so fast there's no way she's going to be able to wear it at the next faire we go to.

 Lookee the details!
And that brings us back to Monday.
See you guys next week! Maybe sooner?
Bye, luv yoo!

What's happening on the other blawg?
Check it out if you wanna.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

you know what?

I wrote a Valentines Day post over at my other blawg.
Go check it out.
Mmk. Bye.

Old pic. Being lazy. Haven't left the house in a week. I smell bad.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

A Mardi Gras Masquerade Ball with a steamy twist

How do these post always start off? Ok, here goes:
Last night me and my crew hosted - insert event here:
A Mardi Gras Masqerade Ball with a steampunk theme.
It was so much - insert adjective here:
The attendance was - insert disappointing number here:
about 20. 
I have no idea where everyone was last night. Many of our event usuals and local steampunk enthusiasts were missing. Most of the people who bought tickets in advance and contest winners didn't even show up.
My best guess is because:
 1. There was a Mardi Gras parade earlier that day so people were probably pooped from that.
2. We hosted the event at a new and rather unfamiliar location.
3. Mardi Gras is still pretty new to our town.
4. Mari Gras + Steampunk = mind boggling concept to the average person.
So really, it turned out to be like a little mixer with a little dancing.
Ugh, I've thrown spontaneous HOUSE parties where more than 20 people came.
As usual I didn't buy anything for this costume except for the green top hat I revamped.
**Check out my post about making it HERE!!**
Thrifted blouse
Bodice, worn inside out, made by a friend last year, last seen here:
Green overskirt- $5 find from Etsy a couple years ago + purple silk sari skirt tucked and pinned, last seen here:
The makeup and da face.


The husband!
 Bustin' a move!

Drinking my first Hurricane after a loooong night of socializing and goofery.
 (The Hurricane is kind of the official mixed drink of Mardi Gras)
So yeah, that's it.
Time to go blog stalk! So you all next week!!

Sunday, February 1, 2015

I stepped on an eyeball.

 This week has been - hm, I don't have a word for it. I guess I'll make up one. This week has been: smiddledong. 
I've been battling manic highs and lows caused by non other than the good old reliable surge of hormones that strikes me every month (unless I'm pregnant). My patience is paper thin but my drive to get things done is incredibly high so when I start on a project and get interrupted by anything... I see red.  Being an event planner, a wife and a mom of two kids under two, there are A LOT of interruptions. 

  I've been spending hours and hours networking and schmoozing, trying to build an audience for this whole mom blog thing. It's paying off but I still haven't found my people you know what I mean? Just a bunch of Starbucks-loving soccer moms in designer jeans, trendy chevron print blouses and infinity scarves. Really though, I'm ok with that for right now but I better find some offbeat and truly groovy moms soon or I'm going to shut this whole operation down.
Nah, that's a lie.
Thar's gold in them thar hills and I ain't quittin 'til I find me some!!
 The thing keeping me motivated the most is blogger earning reports. Professional bloggers sometime share exactly where their money comes from and how. It's seems I'm on the right path- I just need to keep networking, promoting and give it some time.
Meh, I'm looking for overnight success. Heck. Who isn't?
I wanna be a rich and famous blogger!!
HA!! No.
I just wanna be able to buy name-brand breakfast cereal and not feel bad for "splurging".

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