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Sunday, May 21, 2017

Moo Blue

I wasn't trying to mean mug in this pic. Husband started taking photos before I was ready.

I don't talk much about my kids or parenting on here but I gotta share this parenting horror story (in between outfit photos, of course):

At church this morning Cedar started crying about something and Husband took her out to quiet her down. River freaked out that his daddy left and followed after him and I let him, trusting he would just go find him standing right at the door.
Cedar comes back in running and giggling aaaaall the way down the aisle to the pulpit with River chasing after her to stop her and Husband chasing after him.

So all four of us had to do the walk of shame back down the aisle and out of the sanctuary where both children began to cry uncontrollably. 

We calmed them down and every time we tried to go back in River would begin to SCREAM bloody murder.  Not crying. SCREAMING. This happened about four times.

The final straw was when Husband got up to help with communion and River lost his dadgummed mind and started SCREAMING some more.

 I gave up and took him into a side room, where I closed the door, looked out the window and began to cry from pure frustration.... AND I ruined my makeup.
It looked really good too. :( 

What was wrong with my kids this morning?

Heck, I dunno. Whatever is was, perhaps I should have called for a young priest and an old priest and about a gallon of holy water.

Anyways, I'm wearing another sari wrap skirt. I loooooove them. This time I went sans underslip and made sure to stay out of the wind. I was in a bit of a hurry to get these pics and had to wrap it up early because my son was inside the truck KICKING THE WINDOW (seriously WTF is wrong with my kid?!). 

The details we didn't get to capture are:
The pretty pattern of my robe jacket kimono thingy (found at Walmart!).
The eyelets and crochet details of my blouse (hand me down).
My awesome necklace (Walmart too!) and the stunning trim on the skirt.
Use your imagination? Zoom in??

Cedar is wearing a new-to-her dress recently thrifted by her granny, a hand-me-down cardigan, a hair clip I made from my old Etsy stock long before she was born and a wooden cow brooch I got for $0.25 at a local vintage shop. Her daddy put it on her <3 . Barely seen, her little yellow bloomers (diaper cover) were handmade by her granny and have pink dragonflies on them. Werk it! 

Kinda weird, the placement of those circles. I just noticed that. Now I can't unsee it.
Oh, well. 

Was your Sunday morning better or worse than mine?

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

fleas in my wine

Yesterday was me and the husband's 7th wedding anniversary so this weekend we mini-celebrated by doing a little thrifting, hitting up a wine festival and then having some crawfish at his sister's.

We brought the kiddo with us since it was a rather casual outing.
First, we hit up a sidewalk sale going on outside a giant flea market. It was pretty lame. The advertisements promised vendors, food trucks, door prizes and cupcakes but, meh. Maybe the cupcakes and prizes were indoors because all we saw were a handful of vendors with unmarked overpriced stuff and a sno-cone truck. 

Visiting the sale wasn't a total waste. I got to play with a lasso, bought some good quality bongos for $12 and got to watch a lady making a rag rug.

Moving on the the wine festival...

This guy above gets the "best dressed" award from me and he gets bonus points for matching one of the vendors.

The husband was super cranky from some severe allergy issues he was having and wasn't doing a good job of concealing his grumpiness. We had a bizarre and unnecessary argument in the car about parking before the festival so my mood was a little funky. I didn't really get to take my time and enjoy the festival the way I wanted to. I was hoping to make a day of it but I think we were there maybe an hour before we moved on. We didn't even go into the wine garden.

The festival was decent though. Good music, good food and all that but it had same vendors as the two years before.  Not a major complaint - it just would have been nice to see something different.

Given my husband's mood, asking for pics was a rather unpleasant experience but, oh well. 
I got the pics, didn't I?

Wrapping up the evening with crawfish at my sister-in-law's place.

10-lbs of crawfish for all of us was nowhere close to being enough to fill up on, but it was so spicy there's was no way I could have even taken in more without my lips catching on fire.
Our eyes and noses were watering from the spices but boy, oh, boy it was yummy.

In case you're not familiar with it; gathering around and sharing crawfish with friends and family is a Southern tradition that promotes fellowship, happiness, beer consumption, spicy gluttony and food comas.

{Popsicle faces}

We wrapped up the night with popsicles for the kids, mosquitoes and beer. 
The end!
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