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Wednesday, March 12, 2014

bare bottom blues

 Today was my first ever "hospital setting" prenatal checkup. When I was pregnant with River, I had a midwife and my appointments were in a cozy little pseudo-bohemian house-turned-birthing center. The difference between the two is night and day.
I would love to go back to the birthing center to try my hand at natural birth again, but I had an emergency c-section with River and VBACs are very risky.... I think you'll explode during birth or something like that. Women have VBACs all the time and everything works out just fine, but I really don't want to take that risk... I don't wanna explode.
Dressed in a crispy paper gown I spread my clothes over a chair so I could have a warm clean place to sit my ice cold bare bottom. I sat and shivered in the examination room for what seemed like hours but it was really only about ten minutes. Ten arctic minutes.
 Whenever I have an appointment I never think to bring anything to keep me occupied, but this time I remembered! A few weeks ago Shybiker tweeted something about investing in Netflix and it sparked my curiosity in stock investing. I've even been playing a  virtual stock exchange game on to help me learn how everything works. I'm not even that interested in buying - I just like to learn about things.
Bonus photos of River because.... well, you know-  because I can:
I hope you all have a great day and may all your paper gowns be soft as silk and your buns as warm as a puppy's tummy.


  1. Awww, River looks so cute - as always! xxx

  2. Baby boy gets me every time. He is so cute! As are you in the paper gown. Is that your Wacky Fashion Wednesday post?

  3. And may all your pretend investments pay off in real money - somehow.

  4. I'm with you, I wouldn't try it either, I have had 3 completely different births, weirdly all equal recovery times - why do they have you in a paper gown though?
    River is such a beautiful boy! x x x

  5. I have friends that are hooked on investing/playing the market--they love it. In Florida, from what my friends tell me, VBACs aren't even an option. You can't even find an OB that will do it. Supposedly, in Europe it's no biggie and they're performed safely all the time. I say, do what you're comfortable with!!!

  6. Oh sweet little River. The indignations of the hospital will be all worth it when you get another little cutie. But why, WHY do they make us sit in the room half naked for so long? I once leaned back and fell sound asleep. Zzzzzz

  7. you look so happy in your stylish gown.

  8. You're so right, the difference between the two forms of care IS like day and night ... and oh lord "in the basket, out of the basket, in the basket, out of the basket"! xoxoxoxo

  9. I haaate the hospital waiting game ;p Glad your taking it with great humor ;D

  10. Hollie you killed me with the term "10 Artic Minutes." LOL. Hope you checked out all right, and here's to learning stuff. Also, here's to sharing stuff.

  11. It's definitely good to avoid exploding!


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